10 Winter Trends We Absolutely Love

10 Winter Trends We Absolutely Love

From cute hoodies to the best winter colors, we've got you covered with the top 10 winter trends we absolutely love this season!

Keyword(s): winter trends

There are some things about winter we hope won’t ever change, like the coziness that comes with cool weather or the warmth of the holidays.

However, if there’s one thing we love to see changing each year, it’s the latest winter trends! It’s true that everyone wants to pop into their thick, cozy, and warm outfits, but you’ll be glad to know that you don’t have to sacrifice that comfort in the name of fashion.

This year’s winter fashion trends are effortless, fascinating, and just plain fun, which can be a great way to brighten up these darker days. If you’re looking for the next addition to your winter wardrobe, here are the trends we’re in love with this year.

1. Quilted Apparel

If you’re hoping to stay cozy and warm during the coldest months of the year, you’ll love this new trend for jackets, coats, vests, and more. Subtle patterned stitching across our favorite winter garments gives them a luxurious quilted look. What’s more, the extra fabric padding between those stitches can help you stay extra warm in the cold, though we’ve also seen plenty of lighter textiles for fashion enthusiasts in warmer climates.

2. Cardigans

Once considered stuffy or even formal, the casual cardigan is back this season—and it’s finding its way into the closets of It Girls worldwide. Even luxury brands are hopping onto this trend, making updated versions of this beloved wardrobe staple. Though traditional cardigans are a major hit this winter, you’ll also find cropped cardigans, textured looks, and even heavier options to fit your style.

3. Oversized Coats

This isn’t the newest of winter coat trends, but it’s safe to say that we’ll still be seeing a resurgence of the oversized look this year. Roomy, oversized coats and jackets can be cozy and fun, especially when you pair them with the contrast of slimmer shirts or pants. Though you may have to play around with different options until you find an oversized garment that still looks tailored, the extra time can be well worth it for this fun look!

4. Nude Hues

Nude hues were big this past summer, and it looks like this popular style will continue into winter as well. Light beige jackets, soft brown teddy coats, and flowing tan pants have been stars on the catwalks and among casual consumers this year. Best of all, these simple looks are easy to dress up and down, whether you’re pairing them with a classic t-shirt or stylish jewelry.

5. Wide Pants and Boots

Again, we’re seeing a resurgence of fun, oversized attire, and this is true of pants as well—possibly in reaction to the long reign of skinny jeans. Though classic straight-leg pants are coming back in style, one interesting winter trend to pay attention to is wider pants paired with boots. Whether you tuck tapered pants into high boots or pair flowy trousers with ankle boots, this is a fun look to rock!

6. Leather

Leather—or its vegan alternatives—is indispensable in the world of fashion. Though we’re used to seeing leather in trench coats and heavier jackets, you may also notice this textile making its way into other wardrobe staples as well.

Leather pants, blouses, and gloves are a great addition to any wardrobe, and even head-to-toe leather looks are in style. Fortunately, this heavy-duty fabric holds up well in colder weather, making it a good choice whether you’re heading to the office or out on a weekend trip.

7. Fringe

No, you’re not imagining it: fringe is back in style! Finding its way onto jacket hems, accessories, and even dresses, this chic look is great for anyone who wants to grab attention fast. It’s possible to find chunky fringes with rebellious stylings as well as thinner, more dainty fringes for a feminine look.

8. Fluffy Textures

For an on-trend aesthetic that doubles as a cozy addition to your winter clothing investments, you can’t go wrong with a little fluff! Fluffy and furry textures are a popular trend this winter, especially when it comes to voluminous coats that add effortless drama to any outfit. Flattering for any body type, these coats, jackets, and hoodies are a great choice to pair with everything from a chic hat to a casual, athletic look.

9. Sheer Layers

Sure, the summery sheer look isn’t great in every winter climate. However, as part of a warm ensemble, these lightweight layers can be an opportunity for a major "wow" moment!

Try combining a knit coat over a sheer top, for example, or a sheer skirt with your slouchy boots. With a little planning, you’ll find that this look can be a great way to make a statement during a night out.

10. Contrasting Colors and Patterns

One of the most interesting fashion trends hitting the runways and streets in the past few years is a challenge to traditional fashion rules. Gone are the days when you had to pair your purse and your shoes. Today, winter looks are embracing bold colors, patterns, and textiles that aren’t a perfect match—which can be a fun way to showcase your personal style!

Though classic winter looks include heavy fabrics and somber colors, 2021 fashion trends are using sunny pops of color, vibrant patterns, and bold and unexpected styles. In other words, don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and experiment this year: you can consider it fashion-forward!

Make the Most of These Winter Trends

With interesting silhouettes, bold colors, and fascinating new aesthetics, this year’s winter trends are exciting to see. As you reconsider your wardrobe, don’t hesitate to embrace this year’s trends, which are all about adding a healthy dose of fun to fashion!

Want to pair some positive designs with your new winter look? Be sure to take a look at our collections to find hoodies, shirts, and more!

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