5 Fun Neighborhood Activities to Bring Your Community Together

5 Fun Neighborhood Activities to Bring Your Community Together

We've made a list of five neighborhood activities you can initiate in your community to bring everyone together and create more positivity.

Keyword(s): neighborhood activities

Are you wanting to bring your neighborhood closer together but don't know how? Well, don't worry, it's a lot easier than you think.

In this day and age of technology and social media, we can often feel isolated from those around us. We tend to build strong communities online, but off it, it's a different story.

Think about the last time you spoke to your neighbors? Was it a long conversation or just a polite hello?

Fortunately, it doesn't have to be like this.

You can quickly build community spirit with simple neighborhood activities. What's more, is they don't have to be difficult to organize, and there's something everyone can enjoy.

So, what are these activities?

In this article, we'll share five fun neighborhood activities you can organize. Not only will they bring you and your neighbors closer together, but you'll likely form close friendships.

Read on for more information.

1. Painted Rocks Treasure Hunt

First on our list is something that has become popular worldwide- a painted rocks treasure hunt. It's straightforward to carry out, doesn't need much planning, and can be a long-term activity.

The idea is simple, you paint a rock and hide it somewhere for others to try and find. Once found, the person takes a photo with the rock before hiding it somewhere else.

You don't need to be a great artist to do this. Often painting a cute animal on the rock is good enough.

To start, get in contact with your neighbors and see who would be interested in participating. You can then plan who is painting what and a date for them all to be hidden.

You could even get local businesses involved. For example, suggest that they offer a prize or discount once their rock has been discovered.

2. A Bear Hunt

This is one of the easiest neighborhood activities that's also great fun for the kids.

The idea is very simple. Each neighbor finds an old teddy bear and showcases it by a window. As people walk by, they have to try and spot as many teddy bears as they can.

Each day you can move the teddy bears to a different place to make it more challenging for the kids to find.

This is a great way to brighten up people's days and start building a community spirit. Plus, it doesn't cost anything to participate in.

3. A Block Party

This has been an American tradition for years and is a superb way of getting to know your neighbors.

Plus, don't think you can't host one during this troubling period. A social distancing block party is easy to organize and will help lift everyone's spirits.

First, you'll need to form a small committee. To do this, contact your neighbors and ask who wants to help out.

Once you have volunteers, organize a socially distanced meeting and discuss ideas.

Block parties commonly tend to be picnics with small games and entertainment. Plus, it's easy to make this safe. Each household can cook their own food and stay distanced from one another.

When you have decided on an idea, you'll need to look at dates and times to host it. Ideally, you want to do it in the summer to ensure you get good weather.

Next, you'll need a city permit if you plan to close off your street to traffic. This usually involves getting the signatures of your neighbors so, appoint this role to somebody.

Finally, start advertising the party to your neighbors. Ensure they know when it is and what safety procedures are in place.

All that's left to do then is have fun!

4. Create Your Own Library

This is one of the best things to do in your neighborhood and can truly make a difference. Not only can it help kids to read and develop a love of literature but, it's something everyone can take part in.

Plus, it can save you a fortune on books.

To start this project, you'll need to find a place everyone can access. This may be a clubhouse or even an old shed. Just make sure it's dry and disabled-friendly.

Next, gather some old books and start placing them inside. You can then contact your neighbors and encourage them to do the same.

Before you know it, you have your own community library, and everyone will be reading.

People can take out and return books as they please whilst adding to the collection as time goes on.

5. Create a Mural

Who doesn't love art?

This is a fantastic activity to create something special that everyone can enjoy. Plus, it's something that can last for years.

If this is a project you are interested in then, you'll need to do some planning. Just like a block party, you should ask neighbors for help and create a small committee.

This way, you can share responsibilities and help one another.

Once you have a committee, start identifying a suitable place for the mural. Remember, you can't just paint it anywhere and may need permission first.

Once you have a location, start identifying artistic people who can help to oversee the project.

Next, start brainstorming ideas of what you want the mural to be. You'll also need to decide whether it's something future generations can add to.

Once you have an idea, you'll need to buy supplies and create a timeline to complete the project. To raise money, either ask for donations or start to fundraise.

Finally, ask neighbors whether they're willing to volunteer and start assigning roles. Remember, not everyone needs to be a painter. Some people may be happy to organize schedules or wash painting overalls.

The Best Neighborhood Activities to Boost Community Spirit

As you can see, there are many neighborhood activities to bring your community closer together.

Most of these activities require little planning and are cheap to carry out. Hopefully, by organizing some of these, you'll start to create a strong bond with your neighbors.

Finally, why not show them how positive you are with one of our fantastic t-shirts?

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